Friday, August 23

Northwest pharmacy .com review: Scam or Legit?

NorthWest Pharmacy .com.. I'll start with my conclusion first: It's a weird online drug store and definitely not as legit as they so obviously scream in your face when you get to their homepage.

First of all, I wasn't able to order anything from them because I live in Holland and they don't ship to Holland (more on that in a sec). But a friend of mine just started a job in New York a few months earlier, so I asked him to get a prescription from his doctor to test if NorthWest Pharmacy was scam or legit.

Apart from the strong feeling that the website was build and designed in the Reagan era, there where no problems ordering the cream. He just ordered a product that he has been using for his skin for years, because he had acne as a teen. So nothing fancy: Retin-A (tretinoïn).

After waiting three weeks, still no package. After four weeks... nothing... 

So he called NorthWest Pharmacy, and a new package was already on it's way according the lady on the phone (probably wasn't.. but that doesn't matter for this review / experience..). What does matter:

Saturday, February 16

Review Inhouse Pharmacy .biz: Scam or Legit?

I'm afraid I got scammed by Inhouse Pharmacy .biz... I ordered Dutas several weeks ago, but I still didn't receive the meds I ordered.

Thursday, January 17

Review United Pharmacies .com: Scam or legit?

Conclusion of my personal review of United Pharmacies

United Pharmacies is legit, and not a scam online pharmacy. There's one BIG problem though:

Oscar Wilde on success

Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.

- Oscar Wilde